Saturday 17 May 2014

Warmest Day This Year but for How Long?

Friday was the best day of spring this year. It turned out to be the warmest day of the year so far with the afternoon temperature managing an impressive 24.1°C.
The forecast is for the same again on Saturday and Sunday with a change to more unsettled weather returning on Monday. The warmest May day I've recorded was 28 May 2012 when the temperature reached 28.0°C.


  1. A little sunburn today after a long afternoon watching 11 little football matches. I hope the weather stays good long enough for me to do some allotment things. It feels like summer at the moment!

    1. A bit too warm to do anything very energetic on the plot. It's great to have some warm weather isn't it. Shouldn't it be cricket and not football now?

  2. We thought it was always that warm! (It was dull all day in Edinburgh)

    1. I wish!!

      By the way your comment about your brassicas growing a bit soft and not taking kindly to transplanting doesn't want to appear on my blog view. I'm sure it will now I've replied here. It's going to be a shock to the plot today (Thursday) with the daytime temperature around 10°C rather than 20C.


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