Monday, 4 August 2014


Sunday was a big improvement weather wise with some sunny spells and the temperature just nicely into the twenties centigrade. It was a bit blustery at times and on a couple of occasions some dark clouds made an appearance but cleared away again to give a bit more sunshine.

On the plot it was time to sort out our onions. We've had a few worries in the last few weeks about the state of our onion crop but although the remaining onion tops look a real mess the onions themselves all seem generally sound. Sue had eased the onions out of the ground a week or so ago so the task now was to set them out to dry.
In the past our first priority has been to keep them out of any rain and to do this we’ve found space in the plot greenhouse to store them. Sue has a concern that whilst we are still watering our plot tomatoes in the greenhouse this maintains a humid atmosphere inside and whilst the onions are out of the rain these might not be the best conditions for getting them to dry off for winter storage. So this year we are trying something different. I've just fixed some chicken wire frames above soil level to keep all our harvested onions off the ground. 
Hopefully using this method the onions will soon dry off again and won't resting on damp earth after any rain. 

It’s a catch twenty two situation at the minute as we’d appreciate dry weather to dry off our onions and shallots but on the other hand the allotment needs some rain to keep our winter brassicas, sweet corn, runner beans, leeks, carrots and parsnips growing. 


  1. A really good onion harvest, I hope there's some dry weather to dry them off.

    1. I'm not sure where to store them for winter. I think I might try the garage instead of the home greenhouse. They're bound to get wet again before they make it into the garage.

  2. Great looking onion harvest! Hopefully the weather will co-operate! It is very dry here.

    1. Now the challenge is to keep them over winter. We could do with some rain here too.


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