Based on the average daily temperature,Tuesday finished as the warmest day of the year with an average of 13.4°C (56.1°F). It wasn't a particularly warm day which helped achieve this, although late into the afternoon some lovely sunshine made the temperature rise to 19.6°C (67.3°F). The fact that we had a very mild night with the temperature not falling below 9.7°C (49.5°F) helped lift the average daily temperature. It would be nice to be able to guarantee that as an overnight value in the greenhouse for the next month or so but I suspect it’s not going to happen and we've a few more chilly nights in store.
This pulsatilla is looking good in the pebble garden.
One day (she says wistfully) I will get organised enough to keep detailed records, until then, I love seeing what you are doing :-) The pulsatilla is beautiful, all mine have disappeared . . .