Friday, 20 February 2015

How Much Rain?

Thursday was cloudy with dribs and drabs of rain on and off throughout the day.
The weather forecast in the evening suggested we’d had a decent amount of rain through the day on Thursday but my weather station didn't particularly record that much in Ossett. The day’s amount was a mere 2.0mm (0.08”) bringing the monthly total up to 5.6mm (0.22”).

There’s more rain in the forecast for Sunday evening so I might check my rain gauge to make sure one of our resident wood pigeons hasn't been depositing anything nasty in there causing a blockage.
It’s become a favourite look out post for our wood pigeons.


  1. This week we had a foot of snow, today we are getting ice, and tomorrow we are getting 1-2 inches of rain!!! That's February for you :)

    1. Not expecting any snow here although we're supposed to get some rain on Sunday. I've noticed it's a bit chilly in parts of the US. Much colder than it ever gets in the UK.


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