Thursday 12 January 2017

Nameless Storm January 2017

Considering the Met Office decided not to name Wednesday's storm it caused lots of disruption with road bridges closed, fallen trees blocking roads, power outages and rail services delayed to mention just a few of the problems.
Temperature, High Wind Speeds and Wind Chill Records for 11 January 2017
I've added the wind chill records to the graph above as 11 January became our mildest day of the year although in the gale force wind it definitely didn't feel that way. Strangely it was also the sunniest day of the year. However, it will only go down in the record books as a particularly windy day and I've included the top twenty windiest days of the last seven years below.
In the garden we have escaped with only minor damage. The bird feeders have been restored to their upright positions so the birds should be much happier today. However, one fence panel has been battered into submission and will need some repair work or even replacement.
This panel takes the full force of any westerly wind and obviously yesterday's gale was too much for it to take. I'm hoping to be able to replace the inner willow filling and reuse the existing main frame of the panel.

We're hoping that the shed and greenhouse at the allotment will have survived the storm intact.

1 comment:

  1. Quite agree. It's an outrage. Donald (Trump) surely!


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