Saturday, 14 January 2012

Swapped wind for frost

Friday saw a change in the weather. The wind disappeared, replaced by colder sunnier weather. There was more rubbish to collect from the garden after the latest gale. The most testing was to remove a plastic carrier bag tangled in the branches of the crab apple tree. 
With the help of the long handled pruners I managed to un-hook and manoeuvre the bag out of the tree. We had a couple of plastic milk cartons to remove from another part of the garden and to my surprise a complete bank statement, name, address and account number all detailed should the statement fall into the wrong hands. I'm amazed how careless some people are with such information.

By late evening the temperature was already down below minus 2.0°C making it our first serious frost of the winter and our coldest day of winter.

I suspect it will be a short lived record as Saturday morning is clear and frosty with a temperature of minus 4.4°C around dawn.


  1. Bags in tres feel like they ar mocking don't they, as they flap flap annoyingly out of reach.

    I had a 4x8ft piece of someone's mobile home wall wedged upright in my garden. Amazingly it didn't do too much damage to all my plants. The lining off my shed roof must be in someone else's garden.

    I'd like to invite you to join Folia, the online gardening website (it's free).

    It's a great resource for gardeners and has helped me keep on top of my 800+ plantings with photo's, notes, journals, milestones etc. They have an extensive plant wiki and a seed stash section where people can also list seeds for swapping.

    Here's the link to my Folia page so you can see how it works:

  2. We had our first proper frost today, though it seemed to warm up as the day wore on. I think we're forecast another frost overnight.

  3. Hi Cally
    Had a look at Folia web site to see what it does. It looks pretty good but unfortunately it covers much the same as the GrowVeg web resource we already use to plan out all our allotments crop rotations. It provides e-mail reminders a couple of times each month covering sowing and planting related to our specific seed list. As we already have a couple of blogs and web sites joining Folia would in the main mean us duplicating lots of work.

    Many thanks for the invite though as I'm sure if we didn't already use the GrowVeg web resource we would have given it ago.

  4. Hi Jo
    It's certainly was a proper frost and another one overnight Saturday as forecast. I think it due to say cold until the middle of the week.

  5. must be hard.. to clean up.. keep on spirit...


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