Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Apple Muffins

Tuesday was pretty wet and miserable and not a day for venturing outdoors unless absolutely necessary.  It rained on and off for most of the day with the rain coming from an unusual direction as it doesn't often fall on the web cam window.
As I didn’t want to go outside I decided to do a little baking. As Sue posted in her blog we still have some apples left that have been stored in the fridge. We’re now using the last of these apples and we have unsurprising only the smallest apples left. 
I found a recipe for apple muffins on the Internet and decided to give it a go. The only difficult bit was deciding how many tiny apples constitute two large apples.
I must have judged it about right as the muffins turned out OK. There were eight to start with but that was soon reduced to six after a couple of tasters disappeared to check the quality. I might just try a hint of cinnamon in the next batch. 


  1. What a difference a day makes. It's been gorgeous today, I've been out walking for a couple of hours with the dog. Yesterday I was out for about half an hour and came home drenched. Those apple muffins look delicious, you're making me hungry and I can't eat anything because I'm on a diet.

  2. Glad you enjoyed your walk Jo. It's something we should do more of in winter but never do.


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