Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Pear damage

Tuesday was a windy day with a good deal of sunshine but frequent squally showers throughout a cold day.

I thought I'd managed to pick all our pears, but as I found out that wasn't the case, as the gale force winds managed to blow a pear off the tree and straight through a pane of glass in the greenhouse. The hole in the glass is where you can see out. I didn't realise how dirty the glass had become. Another job to add to that never ending list.
It's not the first time this has happened and it just goes to show it's a really bad idea to have a pear tree overhanging the greenhouse. Fortunately the breaking glass didn't do any damage in the greenhouse as it fell on some benching that we are clearing for winter.
I'll be looking to replace the pane with plastic. I've just got to find somewhere that will cut it to size.


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