Sunday 26 June 2011

Chickweed heaven

Saturday was another alright sort of day with some sunshine but plenty of cloud in the afternoon when we visited the plot.

Some more overnight rain had done wonders for the top few inches of soil on the plot and it was a good chance to do some weeding or more to the point chickweed removal. The amount of chickweed had rather sneaked up on us and our carrots had disappeared under a blanket of the stuff. There was lots around our peas but they were coping well although it was starting to take over the lettuces next to the peas.
These peas and lettuces now have a fighting chance as the strangle hold the chickweed had has been removed. Why can the weeds manage so well without much water. Our carrots had certainly suffered the worst of all our crops from the chickweed. Perhaps covered in environmesh the weeds are hidden from view. 

I’m wondering about sowing some more carrots and testing out the left over mulch from the strawberries to protect the seedlings from weeds.

After all our weeding it was a bonus to have our first picking of broad beans which went from plot to plate in about an hour. The beans were young and sweet and certainly didn’t need skinning after podding. 


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