Monday, 30 March 2015

Love at First Sight?

Sunday was another poor day weatherwise turning out to be wet and windy.

Over the last few weeks we've checked out our nestbox cam to see a lone great tit roost in it overnight. We've assume that it’s the same one each evening. 
Not fooled by the clocks changing to British Summer Time our bird arrived at its usual time. It does seem to roost up early well before it gets dark. Our blackbirds are about singing until it’s almost dark.

But look what had happened when we checked in later on in the evening.
Was it love at first sight? You’ll have to watch the video currently being prepared to see what happened.


  1. Lovely to see two of them now. There's someone for everyone! I shall look forward to future developments.

    1. I'm not too sure these two have found that right someone. We shall see.

  2. I wonder if that is going on inside my nesting-box. Do you ever feel like a Peeping Tom?

  3. clever you to install a camera going to be interesting later on

    1. I'm not too sure there will be a later on. Lots of feathers flying when they left the box this morning.


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