Monday, 2 April 2018

More Snow - Winter Continues

Winter doesn't seem to want to go away this year. Easter Sunday was the second coldest April day I've recorded with the temperature only managing to creep up to 5.8°C or 42.4°F. Unsurprising, the only colder April day I've recorded was the first day of April in 2013 which was a notoriously cold spring.
Easter Monday has got off to a snowy start. Traditionally it's the day to plant early potatoes. Had it not snowed, our potatoes weren't going to be moved out of the greenhouse due to the very wet ground conditions at the allotment which resulted from a March with double its average rainfall.
Our potatoes will remain in the greenhouse until we get an improvement in the weather and the ground dries out and warms up.


  1. you certainly have had extremes of weather this winter/spring thats the advantage of a weather station to keep comparison recoreds.

    1. I'm fed up with recording cold and snow I'd like an improvement in the weather now!

  2. I got my first two rows away in a sunny spell on Sunday morning (in between two frosty nights!!) The snow arrived in Edinburgh this afternoon, but didn't settle. If I believe the forecast I should still get away with a night off lighting the paraffin stove!

    1. Depends which weather model you go with. There does seem to be a suggestion of spring arriving for a few days at least. Lets hope so.

  3. Lovely update apart from the snow Martyn lucky i have not got mined yet not sure if i will got hubby going in on Thursday hopeful only for the day to hospital blessing to you and Sue

    1. Hope everything goes well on Thursday Linda.


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