Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Six Years of Weather Blogs and Some Harvesting

It's my blog's sixth birthday today well on the 27 October. The weather on Tuesday wasn't very good for its birthday in fact it was much like it was six years ago when it was damp and cloudy all day.

For the record here is a table of the highs and lows, wettest and driest days and months of the last six years.
Although the weather wasn't very nice we needed to make a visit to the allotment for some fresh vegetables. It had been ten days since our last visit. Although it hadn't actually rained it was a welly day as the grass was soaking wet.
We managed a decent harvest considering it's almost November. 
Our lettuces are managing to survive the damp conditions and cold nights which is surprising as they're not winter varieties. I thought it was about time to check out our parsnips and see if they had grown some reasonable sized roots. The first couple of roots were very disappointing with only a very small parsnip appearing out of the ground. I then came to one parsnip which I couldn't get out with my fork. The soil was dry and the root was very deep. In the end I had to use a spade to get the parsnip out of the ground without doing too much damage. Having dug a few more roots I am reasonably satisfied with the general size. They should keep us supplied well into winter. I think the flavour will be even better once they have had a frost. 
A complete list of our harvest can be found here. You may need to navigate down the page to the 27 October as this page lists all our harvests in October.


  1. Congratulations on six years! Gardening and weather go together and make an interesting blog!
    I admire those who continue blogging for many years!! (I started a blog this year and am on and off...). Thanks for all the time and effort you have put into your blog!

    1. Thanks Juliet Carol. I started keeping a check on the weather to see how it affected our gardening activities.

  2. Happy Blogoversary Martyn! Six of the best!

  3. Happy blogaversary Martyn, that's a fantastic achievement. And what a lovely harvest. I'm sadly down to beetroot, celeriac, leeks and the odd courgette.

    1. Thanks CJ. "Sadly" down to harvesting celeriac - never managed to grow and harvest any ever!


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