Tuesday 29 November 2011

What a difference a year makes

Monday was a cloudy cool day, but even so it became milder late in the evening as more windy weather came in from the west. This rather bizarrely meant our mildest part of the day was as we approached midnight.  

It’s a far cry from last year as November 28th went down in the record books as the coldest November night in Yorkshire as the temperature plummeted to minus 7.6°C at home but falling to minus 14°C at Topcliffe. This year thankfully we look like having one of the warmest Novembers on record. Like I said at the beginning what a difference a year makes.


  1. Yes we (Edinburgh) had snow lying from 26th November through to January last year. Don't really want a repeat as we hope to travel north for Christmas.

  2. I don't mind missing out on snow at all. Did you miss the heavy rain on Tuesday? Still not had a really wet day here since last February!!

  3. Miss the rain? Not a chance. It blew in in waves. All the same not as bad as the West.


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