Tuesday 20 September 2016

It Was Going So Well - Until

Sunday was a lovely dry sunny day compared to Monday which was dull for most of the day until late afternoon when the sun managed to break through the cloud cover.

Even though it was sunny on Sunday the heavy overnight dew on the grass didn't dry up and so I decided against mowing the lawn. After a little overnight rain into Tuesday the grass was again wet but I decided to get it mowed even if it was on the wet side.

After watching a You Tube video last week, suggesting the demise of little point and shoot cameras, as almost everyone now can take a decent photo with their mobile phone, I decided to give my phone a bit of a test.
I didn't think that they were too bad. Now it was at this point that I decided it was about time we tried some of our Vales Sovereign potatoes. This is the first year we've grown this particular variety. Since they were lifted a couple of weeks ago they have been stored in a potato sack in the garage. As the potatoes weren't that easy to reach I put my hand into the sack to feel for a few potatoes. The ones I pulled out looked like this!!
Unless I'm mistaken it looks like blight. The next few potatoes that came out of the bag were okay. I'd better have a look through the bag and see if any more potatoes are affected. I suppose I ought to check through all our sacks of potatoes to see if these few were an isolated occurrence or if it's affected the whole crop of potatoes.


  1. hopefully the rest of your potatoes would be okay...

    1. Not looking good. I keep finding more potatoes with blight.

  2. Hope your potatoes are ok...Last year and the year before I lost all of my tomato plants due to bight... Am glad to say this year we had a good bounty..

    1. Had a bad year for blight this year. Perhaps next year will be better.

  3. The spud tops turned overnight here (and I cut them off as soon as they did). There are spraingy marks in one or two tubers so I fear they won't keep too well this year.

    1. Our first early potatoes missed any blight but not the main crops ones. Might go back to just growing first and second earlies next year.


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