Maximum temperature [warmest day] 15.1°C at 13:30 on 19th November
Lowest maximum temperature [coldest day] 4.9°C at 13:30 on 28th November
Minimum temperature [coldest night] 1.4°C at 23:30 on 30th November
Highest minimum temperature [warmest night] 12.3°C at 02:30 on 19th November
Rainfall in month 118.3mm (long term average 63.7mm)
Wettest day in month 1st November 19.9mm
Most rainfall in 1 hour on 1st November 4.8mm (09:28 to 10:28)
Maximum wind speed 8.6mph at 15:28 on 1st November
Maximum wind gust speed 15.1 mph at 13:28 on 1st November
Notes November
This month will be remembered for the floods in Cumbria when the country had its highest ever 24 hour rainfall of 314mm. It makes our local 118mm this month, almost twice the expected rainfall for us in November, seem miniscule in comparison. We had just 6 completely dry days in November with no recorded rainfall. Temperatures appear above average as we had 15 days where the daily maximum temperature exceeded the long term highs for November. However, we had 16 days where the minimum temperatures were below the seasonal average but strangely little frost.
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From 2009 November weather |
All Records from 20th October 2009
Maximum temperature [warmest day] 17.7°C at 12:28 on 28th October 2009
Lowest maximum temperature [coldest day] 4.9°C at 13:30 on 28th November 2009
Minimum temperature [coldest night] 1.4°C at 23:30 on 30th November 2009
Highest minimum temperature [warmest night] 12.3°C at 02:30 on 19th November 2009
Wettest month November 2009 118.3mm (long term average 63.7mm)
Wettest day in 1st November 2009 19.9mm
Most rainfall in 1 hour on 1st November2009 4.8mm (09:28 to 10:28)
Maximum wind speed 8.6mph at 15:28 on 1st November 2009
Maximum wind gust speed 15.1 mph at 13:28 on 1st November 2009
Notes 30th November 2009
As we move into the winter months I can only imagine the lowest temperatures, wettest days and windiest days are set to change over the next few months.
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