Monday, 15 April 2024

Has it been that wet?

It almost goes without saying that if it rains a lot then we are told it’s the worst it has ever been. It seemed a very wet start to the year so I thought I’d look back at previous years and see if we’ve had wetter starts. It would be interesting to see how we dealt with wetter years than this one if indeed we’ve had a wetter start.


  1. 🌧️An interesting read Martyn .It's been a bit warmer down in the far south west Cornwall ....and when this happens we get days of heavy drifting mist !

    1. Although it has been a wet start it has been a very mild start to the year. Last week was warm here for early April but today it's on the cold side just 8°C with lots of heavy showers. Just what we needed!


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