Thursday 3 September 2020

Summer 2020 - Good or Bad?

Firstly let's consider the temperatures and rainfall for August.
Average Temperature & Rainfall Records August 2010 - 2020
As you can see from the table above it turned out to be a fairly average August, although it managed this with extremes of high and low temperatures. August 2020 recorded both the highest August temperature of 31.2°C (88.2°F), and the lowest of 3.9°C (39.0°F). Rainfall too was around average. We certainly had enough rain through August to keep the plot and garden watered.

Summer 2020 hasn't been one of the best. We've had a few very hot days but they have been just that a hot day rather than a prolonged spell of hot weather.
Average Temperature & Rainfall Records Summers 2010 - 2020
Summer 2020 finished 8th equal out of 11 summers which is rather disappointing. Rainfall over summer was above average but at least it meant we had very little extra watering to do. Certainly, the rainfall has no doubt helped towards a good potato harvest this year although we still have some maincrop potatoes left to lift.

We're only a couple of days into September but the rather cool trend has continued into the new month. 


  1. The scales tipped to bad when we got flooded. (A month's rain in two hours.)
    What are the prospects for an Indian Summer?

  2. Haven't seen any suggestions of an Indian summer yet. Middle of September was supposed to be going to be settled but the weather models are backing away to more changeable conditions now. Still who knows they are often wrong in any case


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