Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Drying Up A Bit!

Tuesday morning's temperature was the lowest of this autumn as the temperature fell to 1.4°C or 34.5°F.
Temperature Records 20-22 October 2019
Daytime temperatures haven't been all that impressive either with Monday's reaching a high of 11.0°C or 51.8°F. We needed to harvest some fresh vegetables so in a very light drizzle, we set off for the allotment not intending it to be a long visit. However, the drizzle stopped so we decided to clear a few beds and see if they would dig over.
I thought this bed on plot 29, which grew some onions through summer, might be too wet to dig over but it was just about manageable. It was pleasing to make a start of getting some autumn digging done. 

One of our winter jobs is to progress the rejuvenation of our old strawberry bed. It had been covered over with weed control fabric and wood chippings since spring. The ground had large cracks in it when the strawberries were cleared.
Strawberry bed spring this year
The weed control fabric and wood chippings were cleared away to reveal the ground beneath.
First impressions were that the ground was very wet but all those large cracks that had developed as a result of a long spell of dry weather had disappeared which was what we had aimed for when we covered the bed.
The next stage is to roughly dig over the bed and leave the winter rains and frost to break down the soil. Hopefully, in spring we'll be able to plant a crop of potatoes in this bed.

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