Thursday, 23 February 2017

Preparing For Storm Doris

We're waiting for "Doris" to arrive over the next few hours on Thursday. We've already had some gale force winds this week which for the second time in a couple of days toppled our bird feeding station.
Normally the tops of the bird feeder come off as they hit the ground casting seed over the garden. I'm not sure how that large stone block is moved over a metre or 3 feet as the station topples over. To see if I can stop "Doris" from blowing it over I've added a piece of old paving slab onto the base of the station for a little extra ballast.
Over to you "Doris".


  1. Good to see the weather station still working. Wind about the same here. Shivery. My son in Amsterdam for the week just reported 35 mph there.

    1. I think storm Doris is arriving in Amsterdam about now. We've had much windier weather this week. We missed the worst of the storm. Calmed down now. Plenty of rain though.


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