Monday, 3 March 2014

Short Lived

The brilliant start to March didn't last long and Saturday was a cool miserable day. After some early morning drizzle the rain held off for most of the day saving a spell of more persistent rain for the evening. The forecast for the rest of the week looks quite good with some sun early in the week followed by some cloudy but milder conditions for the end of the week and next weekend.

Now’s the tricky time of the gardening year for me. Social media and magazines are all busy sowing seeds and showing pictures of new seedlings pushing through the soil. I've got to resist the urge. Anything that’s happy to grow in the greenhouse and perhaps withstand a frosty night or too might get sown but anything tender that’s going to get a check from a cold night I would rather sow at the end of March. 
A tulip makes the most of Saturday’s sunshine
I might sneak in some early cabbage seeds and try for an early crop as our over wintering spring cabbage has been badly affected by club root and we are only going to get minimal pickings. I've still to sow some lettuce under the indoor growlight to produce some baby salad leaves. These will take their chance when they are moved to the greenhouse to make way for tomato seed sowing at the end of March.

Will I resist the temptation to sow anything else before the end of the month - I doubt it!


  1. we've started a few things off, but they're all in pots in the conservatory at the moment. It'll be a few more weeks yet before we feel brave enough to start planting out. When you get a sunny day though its hard to believe that spring isn't here to stay though, isn't it.

    1. On lovely sunny days the temperature in the greenhouse gets up into the high teens it feels like spring is really here.


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