Friday, 6 December 2013

A Real Storm (Part 2)

The forecast storm, which in our case was gale force winds, certainly lived up to its billing. The wind began whistling around the house before it got light and continued for a couple of hours before giving us a short respite before the main event from 10:00 into the early afternoon.
I'm aware I've only had my weather station since 2009 but we've had some pretty windy weather since then. During the time I've been recording our weather I've only ever measured wind speeds into the low 30mph range and then only on a few rare occasions. Yesterday’s high managed 42mph easily beating the previous record of 36mph set on 04 February 2011.

At home we've escaped lightly. I've noticed a fencing panel has come loose and will need fixing before we have any more strong winds. I'm hoping our shed and greenhouse at the allotment will have survived intact. A visit this afternoon to check out the damage and harvest a few fresh vegetables is planned.


  1. I hope you always be save during the extreme season

  2. It was quite scary at its worst. I think we've managed to retrieve all the bits of our greenhouse, it's just a case of fixing it all back together now. There were wheelie bins all over the street, next door's blew right the way down her drive and in to the road.

    1. Wheelie bins were scattered all down our street too with cars driving around them.

  3. Its hard to imagine the ferocity of the storms around the country over the past couple of days from here in Somerset. Breezy yesterday with several hours sunshine and bright and sunny for most of today with temperatures up to 12 degrees C. (I'd better not mention climate change or global dimming for fear of upsetting the none believers).

  4. Glad you avoided the worst of it. It wasn't too bad here either, but I know that it's been terrible in some places. Very sad to see some of the damage and lost homes.

    1. I don't think I'd ever buy a house close to the sea especially along the east coast. I'll just stick to visiting.


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