Saturday 1 December 2012

Sown a Little Late - I Think

Friday was another sunny and cold day. The early morning temperature was down to -1.2°C, the lowest of the autumn. It didn't do much warming up through the day either.

After my visit to the plot this week I’m beginning to think I sowed some of my winter brassicas a little late. Now I’m pleased with the way they've grown, much better than last year’s bought in plants which produced very little to eat, but I reckon my cabbages should now have large hearts ready for winter harvesting.
Unless my labelling has gone to pot which is not entirely unknown this variety is Alaska. The picture is a little misleading as the cabbage heart is not as big as it looks. It certainly should provide a meal for two but I think sown a few weeks earlier it would have produced a much bigger heart.
Much the same can be said of this January King cabbage. However as we didn't actually get any winter cabbages from our bought in plants the winter before I’m considering these a success. Just a little tinkering with the sowing dates for next year, will, I hope produce some bigger hearts.

Checking back January King were sown on 21 June 2012 and Alaska one week later eventually planted into the plot on 3 August 2012. Next year I might go for sowing the seeds at the beginning of June rather than the end of the month.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from A Gardener's Weather Diary author M Garrett

1 comment:

  1. I was scraping ice off the car at gone 1 O clock yesterday. I'd be pleased with those cabbages, you're making me envious seeing as I don't have anything other than leeks to see us through winter.


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