Monday 9 July 2012

Tomato Flowers

Sunday had a few short sunny spells but it was mostly cloudy with more rain in the afternoon.
At last the greenhouse tomatoes have some flowers giving us some hope that they might eventually produce some tomatoes. 
These are Gardener’s Delight growing in the plot greenhouse. Our first ripe tomato last year was picked on the 22nd July. Somehow I have the feeling it will be much later than that this year.


  1. I'm growing Gardener's Delight as well, and just getting flowers now.

  2. I think the first of my tomatoes is just about to flower too, I haven't checked which variety it is yet. I hope they haven't left it too late for the tomatoes to ripen.

  3. Hi Kelli
    Like us then you might have some ripe tomatoes for September if the weather doesn't improve. Love Gardener's Delight though.

    Hi Jo
    Lets hope that once summer starts it just goes on and on and on!!


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